Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My life is upside down.... and I love it!
Degan is growing like crazy. It is so fun to be home with him. I can clean my house everyday and no one would notice because of him. I up his toys away while he is sleeping and put them right back on the ground where I found them when he wakes up. He doesn’t sleep through the night yet so we aren’t as productive as we could be. The last night was a good night! He is trying to crawl. He gets up on all fours and rocks and then lunges forward on his chest. Some how he can be from one side of the house to the other in seconds flat. I try to feed him baby food at least once a day. He is gaining weight so his cousins better watch out!
Terry is HOME and looks great! He got in Wednesday September 23 at 10:18. Well his plane was early and was waiting for us when we got there. Sorry. My dad has had him busy!
I started school at TVCC last week and man, I don’t remember it being this hard. I have already dropped a class. It was just too much for me to handle. I am taking English, Art and Education classes. Hopefully in two years I will have my teaching certificate. Hopefully!
Life couldn’t be better!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 12:51 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
2 years!!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Just bragging!
Degan had a Dr. Appointment on August 6. The doc said he was perfect! He weights 15 lb 11 oz and is 26 1/2 inches long. He has strong muscles and is holding up his head really well. He has been rolling over for a couple weeks now. Linda said that when she picked him up from his nap yesterday, he had rolled on his back. I will get some new pictures of him. He is getting so big and cuter if that is possible. Three weeks and he is all mine!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
It wasn't bad. Just a little confusing! But now it is all said and done. On Wednesday we will be homeowners. SCARY!, but exciting. I can't wait to get in and start making it my own. Thanks for all the good ideas. And thanks in advanced for the help with the decorating. I will need lots of help.
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 10:37 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We are accepted!!
When it closes, we have a lot of work to do!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
This week they will be giving away the Pantry 72″ ($359.99 value) to one of you lucky people. Like its name suggests, the Pantry 72″ was created for pantry storage. Featuring our patented front-loading technology that automatically rotates cans on a first in first out basis, the Pantry 72″ is among the most popular food rotation systems we offer. Don’t forget to enter before noon Friday, July 17th.
Jeri, got one of these shelving units and I loved it. Craig and I got one for Christmas. It is in storage right now with the rest of my life, but I loved it when I could use it. If you can afford it, the are great organizing systems for not a lot of space!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Degan is now giggling on a regular basis. It is cute. He first giggled about a month ago for my dad. NOT FAIR! I was talking a whole lot yesterday, so ran down stairs to grab my video camera and he hardly talked again. Cute, Stinken kid! He is so much fun. I can't wait until September 1st!!!!!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Mary Kay deal!
In case you couldn't open my last email...
July 16th begins the new fiscal year for Mary Kay.
Let’s start the New Year with a firecracker deal!
Place your order before 8:00 A.M. on July 16th: Get 45% off
Place your order before 9:00 A.M. on July 16th: Get 35% off
Place your order before 10:00 A.M. on July 16th: Get 25% off
Place your order before 11:00 A.M. on July 16th: Get 15% off
Place your order before 12:00 noon on July 16th: Get 5% off
Place your order after noon on July 16th: Regular Price
Go to www.MaryKay.com then call me, e-mail me, or stop by to place your order.
Tonia Buhrig
1490 Hwy 20-26
Vale, OR 97918
(541) 473-2026
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
When teaching 5 year olds you expect them to tell them secrets about there parents. Like that their moms are pregnant and their dads being naked. Now we teach 9 and 10 year olds and it tattle tale on parents hour. I know a lot of parents bad habits. Lesson to all new parents, if you do something bad your kids some how find out and tell their teachers. I have also found out through Darcia's kids, that even if you are joking, they tell like it is gospel truth. Levi is bad and goes swimming on Sunday. Hey that is what Chase told Grandma! So you know it has got to me true!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wow, time flies! I helped my sister with Miss Gem County. Which if you ask me was a huge success! It was lots of fun. The girls were great! I put the program together and it turned out awesome. Thanks to Idaho Web Printers. We have organized it so next years program will be a piece of cake to put together. Hopefully! On Saturday Darcia and I went to Miss Idaho. Kodos to Sarah! We totally got detoured all over Boise, but still made it. We always have a great time together! Congrats to Kara Jackson, Miss Idaho. I really don't know who she is, but she won. Miss Gem County was Monday and Congrats to Keili!! You did a great job. Good luck in the coming year! Thanks to all that helped. To Jeri, thanks for the help on the computer. One of these days we will hang out again. I am not sure what happened! I can't wait for Fair FOOD! Last year there was a grease ball in my stomach for a week. I can't imagine this year being any different!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The second hardest thing I have ever done...
The hardest thing I have ever done was leaving Degan at the hospital after I got released. The next thing is leaving him so I could go back to work. I started work on Tuesday ;(. Its been really hard to leave him everyday. I have some friends watching him. I am trying to work out a schedule so I only have to work 3 days a week. They will be long hours, but it will be worth it!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I'm so cute!!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 12:58 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
And then there were three!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 8:57 AM 6 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Life is CRAZY!
Well in the past few weeks I have moved to a trailer in Emmett. Craig was feeding cows for the Emmett Livestock auction. Then he got a "real" job with JT Construction. He has worked for them before. We want to buy a house, but the process is taking forever!!! So now we are moving in with my parents until we find a house and close on it. We went house searching and found a couple that I really like. 2 of them sold the day before. Bummer :( Craig's first day on the job he had to go out of town for the whole week. So I have been stuck with calling a real estate agent, lending company and getting pre-approved and finding a house. I might go crazy!
I went to the Dr. on Tuesday. I am dilated to a 3. The baby can't come this week, but we are counting on next week. Just fyi, Brynn said that I could go first and rumor has it she is having a baby. She lied!
Thanks to my parents and Craig's parents. They have done so much for us. We are truley gratefull. I am not sure what I would do with out them. Also thanks to Alisa. She saved me by chocolate!! and candy. I should be set until she comes again. Thanks to Jeri and Scott. They are great friends with a great looking house! Thanks to Darcia. My baby is set for at least 9 months. She just gave us 2 car seats! Craig and I have a great support system. We love you all!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 8:05 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Elizabeth Buhrig!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 2:08 PM 0 comments
It's true... We are moving.... again
Up, we sure do love to move!!! NOT. Craig got a job on at the Sales yard in Emmett and there is a house on it. Craig is working for our rent! We are moving this week. We have spent some time cleaning it. Okay, I mostly watched and Linda, Kim and Craig cleaned. I got fat ankles! It looks 10000000000000 times better than it did. We didn't take before pictures because I don't want anyone to see it. I now will be driving to Boise for work, which sucks. But we will be saving money $$$$$.
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
My sister had her baby!!!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My dear Sister!
For those of you have noticed that Tonia's due date is passed and I have not taken off her counter. That is because she has not had her baby yet. Everything is fine, except for the fact that she hasn't had her baby! If do doesn't have it by Feb 10th. They they will induce her. Please keep Tonia and Elizabeth in your prayers!
I had another dr. appointment. Everything is great. My Dr. is so up beat. I love it. The heart beat sounds sooooo good, my blood pressure is great. My blood sugar levels are good. My iron is a little low ( has been my hole life) but not enough to worry about it. Which is great!!!! The baby is moving all over the place. We are getting very excited for Degan to come. Craig and I have been working the last two weekends to clean out the second bedroom so he can have a room!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
28 weeks!
Every thing is great! I am feeling great, besides the belly that is getting in my way! Time is flying by. I had a dr's appointment yesterday. I now start going every 2 weeks to the dr. I took the sugar test. I can never remember what it is called. I drank a very sugary drink and they took my blood. I should find out by the end of this week if I have gestational diabetes. AKA diabetes during pregnancy. Thats my up date! Thanks for the love and support!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Old Time Memories
I found this video on my computer. It was a couple years ago, somewhere outside Arco. Good Times!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Jeri again thinks that I don't write enough on my blog... I was on vacation for a week!
4 Random Things about me
1. I am having my parents 10th grandchild April 10th!
2. I love pigs.
3. I am pretty girlie, and I am having a boy.
4. I hate tags.
4 Movies I could watch more than once
1. Twilight, I have already read the book twice.
2. Wedding Date
3. James Bond movies
4. And we watch a lot of John Wayne movies over and over, my favorite is Mclintock.
4 TV Shows I watch
1. The biggest Loser
2. Grey's Antony
3. That 70's Show
4. 90210
4 Places I have been
1. Hawaii
2. Mexico
3. Washington DC
4. McCall ID
4 People who email me regularly
1. Chelsey
2. Tonia
3. Wal-Mart
4. My parents forward me Terry's emails
4 Favorite Foods
1. potatoes
2. junk food
3. pizza
4. pasta
4 Places I would like to Visit
1. Any 4 places where it's hot!
4 Things I am looking forward to this year
1. My baby being born
2. Craig getting a job
3. McCall vacation in December
4. Terry Coming home
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Merry Late Christmas and Happy late New Year!
Christmas was great this year! I got off work at 1:00 on Christmas Eve and we went to my parents house to see my sister Jenny and her family! Craig went and played basketball with some buddies that came in to town. Jenny had a baby in June that I had never seen. He is the cutest thing you ever seen. He is a chunk! With a head full of hair. Her older kids are going fast! I can't believe how big they are. Dessa is in Kindergarten. Christmas Eve night we went to Grandma Rita's house for dinner. It was a small quite gathering. Craig has a great time with his Cousins. Christmas day.... we woke up to Dessa and Krehl. I was planning to sleep in but it didn't quite happen with the little ones. Craig and I had already opened presents and we had to wait for the others to open more. We drove into Craig's parents house to eat breakfast. Craig pretended to hunt, then we drove back to Craig's parents house to open presents. Erin had to work so we waited for her. They bought us shelves that haven't come in yet. Ryan (Craig's brother) and Jamie, his girlfriend were here. She is very talented at knitting. She knitted us a bear for our baby. It is so cute. Then... we went back to my parents house for dinner and presents with my family. There is nothing quite any more about that. Kids running everywhere. They play so well together. It was fun to see them. Tonia and I got cribs and pad sets for them. The boys got tools! and Craig and I got a shelfrelience. It is a really neat shelf thing. I am very excited. Jeri has one and posted it on her blog awhile ago. It will help conserve space and make room for more food storage. Terry called at about 10:00. We talked to him. He sounds like he is doing great. We spent the rest of the weekend at my parents. Saturday night we went to the Stampede game. Craig works at them and he got season tickets. My Parents and Anna came over too. It was fun. Monday I had to work then it was off to McCall for the rest of the week. We played a lot of games, wally ball and swam. Craig went snowboarding with his cousins. He had a good time. I think that he is going to go a couple more times with them this winter. Ten years ago my family made some predictions and wrote some other things. My dad brought it up there and we opened it on New Years Eve. That was fun. I wrote some silly things. It was a nice vacation. Monday morning came fast and I am very tired. To many nights of staying up late and sleeping in. We appreciate all the Christmas cards that we got. It sounds like everyone is doing wonderful. We wish you the best in 2009!
Posted by Craig & Dian Savage at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Christmas 2007